Shenandoah (Vocal Selections) Review

Shenandoah [Paperback]
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This is one of my favorite show albums (and I have some 500).The show played three years on Broadway, despite, or maybe because of its wholesome, old-fashioned values.Based on the James Stewart film of the same name,"Shenandoah" begins on a farm in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley, inthe early days of the Civil War, where the Anderson boys are itchin' to getinto the fight.Their father Charlie (John Cullum, who won a Tony as bestactor in a musical for this role), won't hear of it.He's heard it allbefore.But circumstances will bring the family into the conflict, causepain and heartache, and change them all.
The two 'Meditation' numbersare among my favorite cuts.They are far-ranging, reflective solos thatsum up the entire show beautifully. Charlie tries to make sense of theworld and his family's place in it while talking to his wife's grave.Ashe shares the memories of settling in the Shenandoah Valley ("westarted on a penny and a crumb"), and raising their many children("a loving wife with child again, and I'm thinkin' I should sleep withthe cow, Martha, yonder in the barn with the cow"), the listener canalmost see farm and family, and can feel his pain when he sings about hisbeloved wife's death.
Fans who know John Cullum's work primarily fromhis years starring as bar owner "Holling Vincour" on"Northern Exposure" (and also from his work this season on"E.R.") will find his character in "Shenandoah" to bethe closest of his many Broadway roles to those TV characters...fiercelyloyal, independent, sometimes cantankerous, but also loving and caring.

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Product Description:

Songs: Raise The Flag Of Dixie : Over The Hill : The Pickers Are Comin' : Papa's Gonna Make It Alright : Pass The Cross To Me : Violets And Silverbells : We Make A Beautiful Pair : Why Am I Me? : I've Heard It All Before : It's A Boy : Meditation I : Meditation Ii : Freedom : Next To Lovin' (i Like Fightin') : The Only Home I Know

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