Jazz Guitar Single Note Soloing, Volume 1 Review

Jazz Guitar Single Note Soloing, Volume 1 [Paperback]
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This actually is the second and last part of Greene's miniseries, and I decided to write about it because I bought this part based on several recommendations that it contains way more important and helpful materialfor guitarists, much more into the detail than Part I.
Greene himselfsays that the topic was basically only "touched" in Part II,while in this episode, he provides even more examples and material. Or toquote Greene "so we're going to really 'hit it' now"
He jumpsright in, talking about condensed arpeggios, preparing to demonstrate howto solo while staying in one position. Chapters deal with "Playingthrough changes", "Chromatic tones", "Soloing over fastchanges", "Slurring and decoration", "Rhythm andPhrasing", different scales and chords, up to sophisticated scales,chromatic progression.
Greene does something here that I personallyconsider extremely important: Not only does he provide much usefulinformation and explains many many important techniques and approaches, healso explains how to use them and incorporate into real playing, by talkingabout Rhythm and Phrasing, slurring and decoration. (Which I think is evenmore important than just the scales by themselves). Each chapter featureseasy-to understand explanations and diagrams, but the major part of thisbook is MUSIC. A lot of notation, with chord diagrams, all based on thetopic of the chapter. I think that he not only addresses all the importanttopics, but also explains how to apply them to the "real world",and all that with lots of musical examples, therefore providing the readerwith an actual demonstration of the discussed techniques and topics.
Oneof the best jazz players writes an extremely complete guide to a hugetopic. And pretty much covers EVERYTHING important! Not only straighttheory, but also important topics like phrasing (which often is ignored anddismissed, although it is as important as the actual notes one plays). Agreat guide to the topic, very complete, with theory ranging from basic tovery sophisticated, requiring quite some time and experimentation by thereader. Very very good, I absolutely recommend it
Prerequisite:Sight-reading, good knowledge of chords and basic theory, a bit of playingexperience in any case.

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Product Description:
A book that clearly explains the principles of jazz soloing. Logically Logically organized, with hundreds of musical examples, this method is the result of many years of Ted's teaching and research.

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